Sourdough • Robin Sloan

“Baking, by contrast, was solving the same problem over and over again, because every time, the solution was consumed. I mean, really: chewed and digested. Thus, the problem was ongoing. Thus, the problem was perhaps the point.”

Robin Sloan, Sourdough

Lois’s isolating job as a software engineer in a new city just isn’t cutting it in the happiness department. The only joy she finds is in the food of an illegally run , apartment based delivery service. With a cup of the chef’s starter, Lois embarks on a sourdough journey that grows at a rate that she can’t keep up with. Before she knows it, Lois is in over her head. Little does she know that the lore of the sourdough starter will be the only thing to ground her.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Eighty-five books later and I am still shocked to have discovered a new favorite! Upon receiving this small, textured book in the mail, I immediately opened to page one and was pulled in. Shout out to Ariel Bissett for putting this book on my radar.

This book does not hold your average story. It is kind of strange and appears to have no plot, but trust me, it does. It just doesn’t unfold like your other favorite novels. Sourdough is a nicely compact book in that it includes everything from fascinating character developments, cool science stuff (the technical phrasing, of course), and BREAD. Also, the way that Sloan makes the relationship that the main character has between her work and personal life is just outstanding. You want to deeply understand this character, but it doesn’t feel like you have the time because she hits the ground running…or more like… stumbling her way through the pages. This story is about discovery for both the main character and the reader.

While reading, I kept saying to those around me that this book is so easy to read. I said it at least five times before considering what that meant. I have Sloan’s impeccable writing to thank for a good portion of this. The other can be attributed to the subtle, yet completely intriguing storyline. Believe me, the near silence of Sourdough takes you by surprise. This is one of the most addictive books that I have read all year. It sparked that reading joy in me. I had to write about it.

Upon closing the back cover, I frantically made my way to the kitchen. I have never had a starter or baked sourdough bread before. I know that the smart choice would be to find a local bakery and ask for a pinch of their starter, but I couldn’t be talked down. My “Day 1” starter is resting in a warm place. I don’t want to jinx anything, but her name is Judith. It felt right. I used to follow a cute dog with the name on Instagram.

Like always when talking about incredible books, I don’t feel that I did it justice. Readers, I barely brushed the tip of the iceberg. Give it a chance. Warm up to it. Let’s eat bread together!

(P.S. If anyone has a recipe for that magic Spicy Soup, please message me).

Thanks for reading!